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Tashkent State University of Law


About University


Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) is one of the leading universities in Uzbekistan. The university is renowned as a national center of legal science and education, which prestige extending far beyond the borders of the Republic. It is located at the core of Tashkent city and has three historical buildings, which were built in 1875 and which are included in the list of the cultural heritage of UNESCO.

The University prepares students for the legal world with bachelor’s degrees in law offered within the framework of five programs: Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, International Law, and Business Law. The campus has a University library, courtrooms for Moot court, a forensic laboratory, a coworking zone, and sports facilities to make the studying process interesting and useful.

In addition, students can specialize further in their master’s degrees in law within subjects like public law and governance, law and medicine, and financial and legal monitoring. Students can study law in English medium and choose Russian or Uzbek as their second language. The campus has a library, courtrooms for Moot court, a forensic laboratory, a coworking zone, and sports facilities to study law abroad with comfortable facilities.

Tashkent State University of Law alumni are recognized as some of the world’s most influential education leaders, and our distinguished professors are pioneers in Law today. They include not only leading academicians of Uzbekistan but also a great number of ministers, governors, top managers, lawyers, law specialists, members of Parliament, CEOs of National corporations, and Olympic Champions.



The university has specialized and general education departments. Specialized departments:

  • Public Law and Governance
  • Civil Law
  • Civil Procedural and Economic Procedural Law
  • Business Law
  • Labor Law
  • Theory and History Of State And Law
  • Ecological and Land Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics
  • Private International Law
  • International Law and Human Rights
  • Intellectual Property Law

General Education Departments:

  • General Sciences
  • Language Training
  • Physical Education and Sport



The university provides safe and comfortable accommodations for students who choose to live in the university’s housing. The university provides 24-hour security and support services, including access to medical attention, when needed, laundry and dry cleaning services, and internet access. Each building is fully equipped with everything that students need for safe and comfortable living, including a dining hall, and a television room. 

The university is responsible for keeping the buildings clean and well-maintained and for offering dry cleaning facilities. Each room is fully furnished and has individual air conditioning and a refrigerator. Students may also request an extra television for their rooms. The university’s student accommodation accommodates up to 1500 students. 

Students can select either a single or double-furnished room. Students who reside in university housing have access to the entire facility and all university-owned equipment. Accommodations are designed to be safe and comfortable while providing an optimal academic environment. In addition, the university provides services such as laundry, dining, medical facilities, and internet access. 

International Cooperation


The international cooperation of the University is based on about 50 agreements with foreign universities in Europe, Asia, USA research centers and research institutes, as well as embassies, international research, and educational centers in Uzbekistan and abroad.

The partner universities of TSUL are Osaka University, Nagoya University, Boston Law School, the Queen Mary University of London, the University of Law (England), the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer, The German Research Institute of Public Law Management, National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Regensburg University, Shanghai University of Politics and Law, Ural State Law University, Polotsk State University, M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University, and many others.

On September 7, 2005, the Center for the study of Japanese law and language was established. The purpose of the center is to provide students with the opportunity to study Japanese law in order to conduct a comparative legal analysis of Japanese legislation and develop proposals for improving Uzbek legislation taking into account national characteristics. 

In 2020, it is planned to create a Center of German Law and Comparative Law at the Tashkent State University of Law in cooperation with Regensburg University (Germany). Within the framework of the signed memorandum, academic exchange of students and teachers is carried out, and joint research and internships are conducted.


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