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Liepaja University, Liepaja


About University


Liepaja University is an accredited state higher educational establishment in Lipaja that implements study programs at the Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral levels of study. ​​The University was founded in 1954 on the basis of the Teacher Training Institute. Nowadays University allows getting a European Degree to around 1,300 students divided over around 30 study directions. Liepaja University is one of the oldest higher educational establishments in the Kurzeme region.

For long years Liepaja University offered education in educational science and teaching methods. Concurrently with teacher training study programs a broad spectrum of non-pedagogical study programs has been offered since 1990.

The academic staff of Liepaja University consists of highly prepared and prominent specialists in the field of IT, engineering, and social sciences. The number of elected teaching staff members is nearly 80, among them more than 64,8% – Doctors of Sciences; 35,1 % professors and associate professors.

Liepaja University offers five full-degree study programs taught in English medium of instruction:

  • Computer science;
  • Physics;
  • Information Technology (Bachelor);
  • New Media Arts (Master). 


  • Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Faculty of Humanitarian Science and Art
  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Social Work
  • Faculty of Management and Social Science

International Cooperation 


Liepaja University, Latvia is an active member of the association of international cooperation agreements with foreign educational institutions, countries, and private organizations. The main aim of the collaboration is to improve the quality of education, give students the ability to gain new knowledge and skills in their professional fields, and exchange experiences between academic staff and departments. 

University is a current member of the ERASMUS program. ERASMUS is the most successful student exchange program in the world that offers the opportunity for student placements in enterprises, university staff teaching, and training, and funds cooperation projects between higher education institutions across Europe.

Liepaja University has been registered as one of Latvia’s most famous scientific institutions. University has a huge base of research institutes, several research centers, and laboratories that carry out scientific research. The university’s strategic aim is to strengthen international cooperation in research between higher educational institutions across Europe and Asia and raise the level of higher education.


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