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What is Journalism


Journalism is the collection, preparation, and distribution of news and related commentary and feature materials through such print and electronic media as newspapers, magazines, books, blogs, webcasts, podcasts, social networking, and social media sites, and e-mail as well as through radio, motion pictures, and television. The word journalism was originally applied to the reportage of current events in printed form, specifically newspapers, but with the advent of radio, television, and the Internet in the 20th century the use of the term broadened to include all printed and electronic communication dealing with current affairs.

About the Course


Majoring in journalism is a fast-paced endeavor, where you’ll be quickly learning the ins and outs of how to write a variety of different types of stories on many different topics. You’ll often be sent out into the field to work on your own, and you’ll have to come back with polished articles on quick, hard deadlines.

If you love learning new things, journalism may be the perfect field for you. As a journalist, part of your job will be to inquire about new information and ask “why?” questions to find out more. In your professional writing degree program, you will explore different areas that will enrich critical thinking and analysis. Overall, this will prepare you to successfully gather information and communicate through your writing.

As a journalist, you will be able to apply the concepts you learn hands-on. Rather than spending your days doing tedious tasks, you will have the opportunity to work with different people in a variety of settings. In addition, being a journalist can provide you with the chance to travel to new places to cover stories.

Skills Required


Here are some of the skills that journalists need to succeed at their job:

  • Communication – the primary role of a journalist is to communicate news, either written or verbally. No matter how proficient you’re in other skills, you cannot be a journalist without good communication skills. You’re required to interview sources, report news, and write articles or scripts. Be sure to work on your communication skills by being friendly, empathetic, and confident as you present the news or information. 
  • Attention to detail – journalists are required to report news that’s genuine and true. There are many sources of information, of which some are not credible. As a journalist, you need to pay attention to detail to know if the news you’re about to present to the public is accurate. Be sure to do extensive research on a topic to give all facts available. 
  • Persistence – as a journalist, it’s not always that your sources will be willing to talk or give you the information you need. It’s crucial that you remain determined and keep persisting in the story. Successful journalists are those who report unique and exclusive news. You cannot get that kind of news by giving up when things get difficult.
  • Research skills – are very important in the career of a journalist. You need to capture all details and use different sources to get information. In addition, you must have the ability to know how to evaluate all your data and research before presenting it to the public. So, be sure to work on your research skills and find ways to analyze and represent data.
  • Digital literacy – currently, digital literacy is a must-have skill for most careers. As a journalist, you must know how to use things like websites, apps, social media, laptops, and tablets, since they are the new broadcast mediums. To have a rewarding career, you must be willing to adapt and accept change, such as the use of digital platforms. This is because using digital media to broadcast news is one of the best ways to reach a large group of people.
  • Logical reasoning and objectivity – when reporting news, you cannot afford to be biased. Otherwise, you’ll only report information that’s appealing to you or a particular group of people. You have to be objective and reason logically before presenting any news. Keep in mind that different kinds of people have access to this news. Be sure to present and write content that’s respectful and unbiased.

Why Study Journalism


Do you consider yourself to be a people person? With a journalism career, you will meet many new people that you may not have met otherwise. You will get to know people from all walks of life and have the opportunity to hear their stories. This can allow you to gain a new perspective that will benefit you both in your career and life.

In today’s world, networking is a valuable skill to have. As a journalist, you will work with others to accomplish tasks, which will teach you how to work as a team and provide you with opportunities to build your professional network. The connections you make can benefit you in your career and lead to opportunities further down the road!

There will always be news to report, and there will always be the need for effective communicators to report it. While advancements in technology may change the way a career in journalism looks, there continues to be a need for those who are skilled in different kinds of writing. By becoming a journalist, you can take part in the excitement as the field continues to grow and change!

Career Prospects 


Often people say that journalism is a dying field, but that can’t be further from the truth. While traditional print journalism might not be in the same place it was several decades ago, it is still relevant. Additionally, digital journalism has become more and more prevalent, and there are many different jobs out there for people with a journalism degree.

There are also many people with journalism degrees who work on the opposite side of the industry in public relations roles, pitching ideas and stories to journalists on behalf of clients.

Some potential career options include becoming a journalist, blogger, social media manager, broadcast journalist, communications manager, publicist, marketing manager, advertising copywriter, multimedia reporter, photographer, and editor.

Journalism is a field that will engulf you in its claws and will not let you go. There are various roles that one can take up in journalism, but for that one needs to know their forte. In the end, I would only like to say, if you are a passionate person who wants to make the most of your youth, journalism is one career that will never let you down.


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