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Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy


About University


Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy is one of the oldest higher education institutions in Romania. It was founded in 1879, as a Faculty of Medicine, during the reign of Carol I. In 1991, the Institute was confronted with the status of the university and received the name of Grigore Teodor Popa, a former prominent professor and intellectual, forerunner of world neuroendocrinology. The University imposes itself today with a valuable teaching body as well as with a modernized basic and technical matter, suitable for carrying out the didactic process and the scientific research activity.

The university comprises eight colleges: General Nursing, Dental Technique, Dental Nursing, Audiology, Balneotherapy and Rehabilitation, Medical Cosmetics, Hygiene and Public Health, and Pharmaceutical Technique as well as 28 laboratories, several auditoriums, and a state-of-the-art library, which is home to over 470,000 volumes.

Currently, the university has over 10,000 students of which 2,500 are international students from over 80 countries. The University educates more than 13000 undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Grigore T. Popa University is accreditated by EUA-IEP (European University Association – International Evaluation Program) and also by Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.


  • Medicine;
  • Pharmacy;
  • Dentistry;
  • Biomedical Engineering.

Student Life in Lasi


Iasi, today a beautiful Romanian city, sits on the banks of the Bahlui River near its confluence with the Prut River, which marks the boundary between Romania and the Republic of Moldova. Iasi has a long cultural tradition with some five universities.

The symbol of the city is the majestic Palace of Culture. Built-in flamboyant Gothic Revival style, the palace has an amazing number of rooms (365).

For over fifty years this extraordinary building has housed the bountiful National Museum Complex of Moldavia, which includes the History Museum, the Ethnography Museum, the Art Museum, and the Museum of Science and Technology.

The Copou Garden is the largest park in the country, covering 80 hectares, it features a very old Romanian monument, the Obelisk of Lions, which was built to honor the European powers that recognized the independence of the Romanian principalities.

The city’s restaurants are very picturesque and offer traditional dishes of various origins, including simple but tasty oriental-inspired dishes made with abundant use of spices.



Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy has a comfortable living facility for students within the campus. The hostels are modern, well-maintained, and well-equipped. It has CCTV surveillance, fire alarm safety security systems, modern safety features, and round-the-clock security. The dormitory consists of 5 floors and each floor has various blocks. Each block has 4 rooms & out of these rooms in a block, 2 of them are 2 seater & the remaining 2 are 3 seater rooms. Students have the option to choose among these 2 or 3-seater rooms as per the availability. Each block has its attached toilet & washroom located inside the block. Kitchens fitted with burners & ovens are present on each floor for students to prepare food.



The Faculty of Medical Bioengineering is uniquely poised at the forefront of Romanian higher education institutions and has proven high-quality education in a multicultural environment mission. The Faculty of Medical Bioengineering’mission is to contribute to international learning in the biomedical field, by promoting academic programs and research as a result of Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy’s goals and politics as well as its strategies and objectives.

The research strategy followed by the Faculty of Medical Bioengineering has the following key aspects:

  • The capitalization of human potential and material resources in creating interdisciplinary research programs, with scientific and economic impact;
  • Improvement of experimental techniques, methods, and procedures to international medical standards by equipping laboratories with adequate tools;
  • Training researchers and young people in order to be competitive specialists in the European and international research market;- Promote and participate in various interdisciplinary research programs, in partnership with international research centers, universities, or companies.


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